Fast certification

With KVH, your product can be certified kosher in as little as a few days.

Kosher Consumers


Pas Yisroel list updated

We have updated the list of Pas Yisroel retail establishments andin-store bakeries for 5784-5785 Please see the list on our website at

AKO Camp Kashrus Initiative Spearheaded by Rabbi Kaufman

Back for its second year, the AKO Kashrus Camp Initiative is here to help any camp that wants set itself up to suceed at serving kosher all summer long. Rabbi Moshe Kaufman, Kashrus Administrator for KVH Kosher ~ Rabbinical Council of New England and Co-chairman of...

Chometz after Pesach

GROCERY STORES Based on our research, Chometz from all Major Grocery Stores is permitted to be purchased at this time. Almost all stores in our area have no Jewish ownership, and the ones that have Jewish Ownership have divested themselves from owning Chometz for the...

Consumer Alerts

Unauthorized KVH Symbol – Lezza products

It has come to our attention that Lezza products imported and distributed by Phoenicia Group Inc Montreal Quebec, bear an unauthorized KVH symbol. These products are not certified and should not be...

Winn Dixie Bagels – Missing D

It has come to our attention that Winn Dixie Bagels, which are labeled as containing cheese, do not have a D next to the KVH symbol. The product is indeed Kosher Dairy (Chalav Stam and Pas...


  Feta Cheese produced in Greece and marketed under the Krinos brand bear an unauthorized KOF-K symbol. Any item with a production date of 2023 and beyond, should be considered non-kosher...


easy steps to going Kosher


Provide a company profile and overview of your manufacturing process.

Initial Inspection

A member of our team will visit your facility to assess what is necessary to set up your Kosher program.

Ingredient & Product

Our team will help you register your raw materials and finished products.

Certification Agreement

We will send you an agreement with the terms of your Kosher program. Congratulations! You’re certified Kosher.

Go Kosher with KVH

Fast Certification

The faster you’re certified, the faster you can tap into the Kosher product market. Our certification process can take just a few days!

Client Care

Our service is legendary. Just ask any one of our satisfied clients.

Standardized Fees

We provide Kosher supervision at a reasonable cost. No hidden fees. And all requests considered.

Global Recognition

Founded almost a century ago, the KVH Kosher is one of the oldest and respected Kosher certification agencies in the world.

"It is a true pleasure to work with the KVH team."

“In the time since we embarked on this effort…we have developed a true partnership which we value greatly.”

—Andy Allen, Brandeis University

"KVH Kosher is...a business partner."

“[KVH] continues to exceed expectations from their excellent customer service to ease of contact and beyond.

—Jackie, Freshbox Farms

"We take pride in our collaboration with KVH Kosher."

“With the knowledgeable support of KVH rabbis and their prompt answers to our questions, we ensure our products adhere to the highest kosher guidelines. Our partnership with KVH is pivotal in connecting and serving the Jewish community.”

-Justin, JN Kidds Distributors