Tevilas Keilim

In the days leading up to Pesach many of us are busy purchasing new pots, pans and various other utensils in preparation for the upcoming Yom Tov. This presents a special opportunity to fulfill the mitzvah of tevilas keilim, dipping our newly obtained utensils into...

Laws of Sefirat Ha-Omer

Rabbi Jaffe is the rabbi of the Maimonides Kehillah and has been the treasurer of KVH Kosher and a member of the Rabbinical Council of New England for more than a dozen years. The Mitzvah When the Temple stood, Jews were commanded to count 49 days from the second...

Earth Kosher

Kashrus Alert Please be advised that the tea products sold by Brewli of Newton, MA are not certified by Earth Kosher at this time. These products should not be used even when bearing the Earth Kosher symbol. If the products is seen for purchase, please email a photo...