We have received many inquires regarding the status of ice cream parlors which profess to serve kosher certified ice cream, either certified by KVH Kosher or other renowned kosher agencies.
Some of these venues claim to sell kosher products certified by KVH Kosher and/ or other agencies, and some may even have signage and/ or a certificate posted to indicate supervision. While they may sell certain products that are kosher certified in their original factory sealed containers, most of the actual stores are not certified kosher. These letters and certificates generally only apply to the sealed containers and packages of ice cream and yogurt that are listed on the letter of certification, and not necessarily to the store itself. Merely asking the store employee whether an item is kosher or not, is not sufficient, since they are likely unaware of kosher requirements that affect the kosher status of the item. You must see the items in the original sealed container and be able to ascertain that the product in the container or soft serve machine is the same that you saw in the original box with a KVH emblem.
In some cases, the scoop must be first washed clean. Any other products purchased, such as cones, toppings, or any other additives must also be inspected to determine if they are kosher. Items such as cakes and other novelty items may be coming in from other sources, so special consideration must be given when purchasing such items. Since one may not assume that there were no changes made since the last visit, this all must be done each time you go into the store to make a purchase! There are many kashrus issues that can pop-up at non-certified stores; these are just a few of the more common concerns.
As many people may not be aware of all of the kosher regulations, it is always preferable and recommended to only frequent shops under a reliable kosher supervision. Check with KVH Kosher regarding New England (www.kvhkosher.org) or your local kosher agency in other areas for the stores with reliable kosher certification.