by Rabbi Moshe Kaufman | Mar 20, 2024 | Informational
Recently we received an email inquiry from a consumer regarding the certification of an establishment that is open on Shabbos. The inquiry included very specific questions regarding the difficulties of certifying a retail establishment operating on Shabbos. Upon... by Rabbi Yaakov Jaffe | Mar 1, 2024 | Informational, Pesach
Rabbi Jaffe is the rabbi of the Maimonides Kehillah and has been the treasurer of KVH Kosher and a member of the Rabbinical Council of New England for more than a dozen years. The Mitzvah When the Temple stood, Jews were commanded to count 49 days from the second... by Rabbi Zvi Solomon | Mar 1, 2024 | Informational, Pesach
On Pesach night, Hashem meted out punishment in every Egyptian home. The Jews were instructed to mark their doorways with the blood of the Passover lamb, and in this merit earn the unique protection of Hashem. Hashem then passed over and guarded every Jewish home from... by Rabbi Azriel Blumberg | Mar 25, 2022 | Consumer, Informational, News, Pesach, Public
Please join us on Sunday April 3, 2022 at 8:00 PM for our third annual Pre-Pesach webinar. (more login options below) We will address common Pesach questions such as: Products: Which products are approved without any certification? Which are approved without special... by Rabbi Azriel Blumberg | Jun 21, 2021 | Industrial, Informational
What is D.E.? While many products can be made with non-Dairy ingredients, some can not. If a non-Dairy produce shares equipment with a Dairy product, does it automatically lose its Pareve (non-Dairy) status? Often, the answer is somewhere in the middle. A product...